The BluLink provides both BluPoint wireless functionality and data-logging (30,000 readings) for any YP digital instrument. It is an economical solution for creating either a standalone data-logger that can be downloaded using any android device, or a wireless sensor network. The hardware costs of creating a Bluetooth 5 wireless solution will typically be comparable or less than a wired solution by reducing costs related to (i) leadwire and (ii) multiple wired data-loggers. BluLink runs off internal lithium batteries which will last longer than two years when set to 1 reading/hour. The BluLink is available in two packages:
- A cylindrical brick with an internal lithium battery source. Battery life 2 years with 1 new reading/hour.
- A package with 2 x D cell lithium batteries replaceable: Battery life 4 years with 1 reading/hour. IMPORTANT: Use only 3.6V primary LITHIUM batteries. Do not use rechargeable batteries. The unit is packaged in an IP68 enclosure.
The BluLink enables instruments to be managed by an Android device using the BluPoint App. The ViewPoint activity allows the Android device to act like a manual readout unit. The LogPoint activity configures and operates the data-logging functionality of the BluLink. The BluLink ‘beacons’ its readings every 5 seconds to any BluGateway or BluLogger device with 100m range.
The most common use for BluLink is to create a wireless network around either a BluLogger or BluGateway. The tubular form-factor can be recessed into a stub borehole beside an existing instrument.
The cylinder block BluLink package has been demonstrated to operate under 1.50m of water for >1month.