
The BluLink-S provides both BluPoint wireless functionality and data-logging (30,000 readings) for any YP digital instrument. It is an economical solution for creating either a standalone data-logger that can be downloaded using any android device, or a wireless sensor network. The hardware costs of creating a Bluetooth 5 wireless solution will typically be comparable or less than a wired solution by reducing costs related to (i) leadwire and (ii) multiple wired data-loggers. BluLink-S runs off internal lithium batteries which will last longer than two years when set to 1 reading/hour.

The BluLink enables instruments to be managed by an Android device using the BluPoint App. The ViewPoint activity allows the Android device to act like a manual readout unit. The LogPoint activity configures and operates the data-logging functionality of the BluLink. The BluLink ‘beacons’ its readings every 5 seconds to any BluGateway or BluLogger device with 100m range.

The most common use for BluLinks is to create a wireless network around either a BluLogger or BluGateway. The tubular form-factor can be recessed into a stub borehole beside an existing instrument.

The cylinder block BluLink-S package has been demonstrated to operate under 1.50m of water for >1month.

